[eslint] Delete CR eslint(prettier/prettier) issue

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Mar 7, 2024
4 min


# [eslint] Delete CR eslint(prettier/prettier) issue [Solved]

To resolve the ESLint issue "Delete CR eslint(prettier/prettier)", open your .eslintrc.js or .eslintrc.json file and set the endOfLine property to auto in the rules section.

When the property is set to auto, existing line endings are maintained.

Open your .eslintrc.js (or .eslintrc.json) file and set the endOfLine property to auto.

module.exports = { rules: { "prettier/prettier": [ "error", { endOfLine: "auto" } ], }, };

Your rules, object will most likely exist, so make sure to add the prettier/prettier property to the existing object instead of redefining it.

The code sample above assumes that you use a .eslintrc.js file. If you use a .eslintrc.json file, the config is similar.

{ "rules": { "prettier/prettier": [ "error", { "endOfLine": "auto" } ] } }

If the error persists after making the change, restart your code editor.

# Set endOfLine to auto in your .prettierrc.js file

If the issue persists, set endOfLine to auto in your .prettierrc or .prettierrc.js file.

module.exports = { endOfLine: 'auto', };

set end of line to auto in prettierrc

If you use a .prettierrc or .prettierrc.json file, make sure to double-quote the key and value.

{ "endOfLine": "auto" }

The endOfLine property determines the line-endings character.

The two options are \n (or LF - line feed) and \r\n (or CRLF - carriage return + line feed).

LF is used on macOS and Linux whereas CRLF is used on Windows.

If multiple people make changes to the same file using different operating systems, some files might have mixed line endings.

By default, the endOfLine property is set to lf (macOS and Linux).

We set the property to auto to maintain the existing line endings of the file.

The possible values for the endOfLine property are:

  • lf - Line fee (\n). Used on macOS and Linux.
  • crlf - Carriage return + Line feed (\r\n). Used on Windows.
  • cr - Carriage Return (\r). Used very rarely.
  • auto - Maintains existing line endings. Normalizes files with mixed line endings by looking at what is used after the first line.

If you still get the error, try to run the npm run lint command with the --fix flag if you have a lint script in your package.json file.

# with NPM npm run lint -- --fix # or with YARN yarn run lint -- --fix

# Solving the error in VS Code

If you use VS Code and the issue persists, click on the "Select End of Line Sequence" button at the bottom status bar and set it to LF.

update end of line sequence in vscode

If the issue persists, try to restart your code editor.

I've written a detailed guide on how to show and set line endings in Visual Studio Code.

# Solving the issue when using Git

The issue is also caused when using git repositories with collaborators who use different operating systems.

The lf (Line Feed) character should be the default end-of-line sequence for Linux, macOS and inside Git repositories.

  1. Open your terminal and set the autocrlf setting to false in your global Git config.
git config --global core.autocrlf false

set git core autocrlf to false

  1. Pull from the remote after setting the autocrlf property to false.
git pull origin <your_origin>

By default, on Windows machines, the autocrlf property is set to true.

When you pull from a remote repository that uses lf (Line Feed) end-of-line sequence, the files automatically get converted to autocrlf (Carriage return + Life feed).

This is not the case when core.autocrlf is set to false.

If the issue persists and you use VS Code as your IDE, follow the instructions in my How to Show and Set Line endings in Visual Studio Code article.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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