eslint (no-console) Unexpected console statement [Solved]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Mar 7, 2024
4 min


# Table of Contents

  1. eslint (no-console) Unexpected console statement
  2. Disable the no-console rule for a single line
  3. Disable the no-console rule for multiple lines
  4. Disable the no-console rule for an entire file
  5. Disabling the no-console rule in your package.json file

# eslint (no-console) Unexpected console statement

The ESLint error "eslint (no-console) Unexpected console statement" is shown when you use methods on the console object, e.g. console.log().

To resolve the issue, set the no-console rule to off in your .eslintrc.js file to disable the rule.

eslint no console unexpected console statement

Create a .eslintrc.js file if you don't already have one.

The file should be located in the root directory of your project, right next to your package.json file.

Add the following rule to the rules object in your .eslintrc.js file to disable the no-console rule.

module.exports = { rules: { 'no-console': 'off', }, };

In some cases, you might want to enable the no-console rule only in production but disable it in development and during testing.

module.exports = { rules: { 'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off', }, };

The code sample uses the value of the process.env.NODE_ENV environment variable to determine whether the no-console rule should be disabled or enabled.

The ternary operator is very similar to an if/else statement.

If the expression before the question mark evaluates to a truthy value, the value to the left of the colon is returned, otherwise, the value to the right of the colon is returned.

In other words, if the process.env.NODE_ENV variable is set to production, then the no-console rule is set to error, otherwise, it is set to off.

You can also specify which methods on the console object you want to allow.

module.exports = { rules: { 'no-console': [ 'warn', {allow: ['log', 'clear', 'info', 'error', 'dir', 'trace']}, ], }, };

The allow array is used to allow using the specified methods on the console object.

By default, the rule is set to warn, so a warning is shown for any method on the console object that is not in the allow array.

If you use a .eslintrc.json configuration file, make sure to double-quote all keys and values.

{ "rules": { "no-console": "off" } }

set no console eslint rule to off

Notice that there shouldn't be any trailing commas when writing JSON.

The ESLint no-console rule shows a warning or an error when you use methods on the console object, e.g.:

  • console.log('your message')
  • console.warn('your warning')
  • console.error('an error occurred').

The rule is used because these messages are used for debugging purposes and should not be shipped with your code in production.

# Disable the no-console rule for a single line

If you only want to disable the no-console rule for a single line, use the following comment.

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('');

As noted, the comment only applies to the next line so if you use console.log() multiple times, you'd have to repeat the comment.

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(''); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('');

If you want to disable the no-console rule for the current line, use the following inline comment.

console.log(''); // eslint-disable-line no-console

However, using an inline comment is usually less readable than placing the comment above the console.log() call.

This might also cause another warning if your line exceeds a certain length.

# Disable the no-console rule for multiple lines

You can also use a comment if you need to disable the no-console rule for multiple lines.

/* eslint-disable no-console */ console.log(''); console.log(''); /* eslint-enable no-console */

The first comment starts the block in which the no-console ESLint rule is disabled and the second comment ends the block.

So if you have a console.log() call after the second comment, the warning is shown.

/* eslint-disable no-console */ console.log(''); console.log(''); /* eslint-enable no-console */ // ⛔️ Unexpected console statement.eslint no-console console.log('');

# Disable the no-console rule for an entire file

If you need to disable the ESLint no-console rule for an entire file, add the following comment to the top of your file.

/* eslint-disable no-console */ console.log(''); console.log(''); console.log('');

No matter how many times you use the console.log() method after using the comment, no warnings are shown.

However, note that the comment has to be added at the top of your file before any calls to console.log().

# Disabling the no-console rule in your package.json file

You can also disable the no-console rule in your package.json file if that's where you manage your ESLint configuration.

The package.json file is located in the root directory of your project.

{ "eslintConfig": { "rules": { "no-console": "off" } }, }

disable no console rule in package json config

However, note that ESLint won't look at the contents of your package.json file if your project contains a .eslintrc.js or .eslintrc.json file.

# Additional Resources

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