TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value [Fix]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Feb 29, 2024
5 min


# TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value

The error "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value." occurs when you assign a value with a type of any to a variable or a property.

To solve the error, set the variable to a specific type or disable the ESLint rule.

Here are some examples of when the ESLint error is raised.

// 🔴 All of these cause the error // @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value. // ---------------------------------------------- // Assigning a value of type any to a variable const x = 1 as any; // ---------------------------------------------- // destructuring from a value of type any const [y] = 1 as any; // ---------------------------------------------- // assigning a function parameter to any function greet(a = 'hello ' as any) {} // ---------------------------------------------- const z: Set<string> = new Set<any>();

All of the assignments above cause the error because the ESLint rule prevents you from assigning a value with an any type to a variable.

The any type effectively turns off type checking and should be used sparingly.

This article addresses 2 similar ESLint errors:

  • @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value.
  • Unexpected any. Specify a different type. eslint@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any

# Disabling the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment ESLint rule

One way to get around the ESLint error is to disable the rule.

For example, the following comment disables the rule for 1 line.

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment const x = 1 as any;

disabling the ts eslint no unsafe assignment rule

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If you need to disable the @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any rule for a single line, use the following comment.

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const x = 1 as any;

If you need to disable multiple rules for a line, separate them by a comma.

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const x = 1 as any;

If you need to disable the rule for the entire file, use the following comment.

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ const x = 1 as any;

If you need to disable the @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any rule for the entire file, use the following comment instead.

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ const x = 1 as any;
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You can disable both rules for the entire file by using the following comment.

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ const x = 1 as any;

If you want to disable the rules globally, add the following 2 rules to your .eslintrc.js file.

rules: { '@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment': 'off', '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'off', },

disable the two rules

If you use a .eslintrc.json file, make sure to double-quote the keys and values.

{ "rules": { "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment": "off", "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off" } }

# Setting the variable or property to unknown instead of any

Alternatively, you can set the variable or property to unknown to resolve the ESLint error.

const x = 1 as unknown; if (typeof x === 'number') { console.log(x.toFixed(2)); }

setting the variable property to unknown instead of any

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The unknown type is the type-safe counterpart of any.

When working with the unknown type, we basically tell TypeScript that we're going to get this value, but we don't know its type.

We are going to check with a couple of if statements to track the type down and use it safely.

I have written a detailed guide on how to check the type of a variable in TypeScript.

When using the unknown type, you have to use an if statement as a type guard to check the type of the variable before you are able to use any type-specific methods (e.g. string, array, object, etc).

# The error commonly occurs when parsing a JSON string

The error commonly occurs when parsing a JSON string with the JSON.parse() method.

const jsonStr = '{"id": 1, "site": "https://bobbyhadz.com"}'; // @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value. const result = JSON.parse(jsonStr);

The result variable stores a value of any type because TypeScript doesn't know the type of the value that is being parsed.

One way to resolve the issue is to use a type predicate.

type Employee = { id: number; name: string; }; function isAnEmployee(value: unknown): value is Employee { if ( typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value) && 'id' in value && 'name' in value ) { return true; } return false; } const jsonStr = '{"id": 1, "name": "Bobby Hadz"}'; const parsed = JSON.parse(jsonStr) as unknown; if (isAnEmployee(parsed)) { console.log(parsed.id); console.log(parsed.name); }

using type predicate to solve the error

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The value is Employee syntax is called a type predicate.

A predicate takes the form of parameter is Type, where parameter is the name of a parameter from the function signature.

Our function basically checks if the passed-in value is compatible with an object of type Employee.

Notice that in the if block in which we called the isAnEmployee() function, the parsed variable is typed as Employee and we can access the id and name properties without getting TypeScript or ESLint errors.

I've written a detailed guide on how to check if a value is an object.

# Resolve the issue by typing the variable explicitly

You can also resolve the issue by typing the variable explicitly and removing the any type.

Here is an example of typing an object.

type Employee = { id: number; name: string; address: { country: string; city: string; }; tasks: string[]; }; const emp1: Employee = { id: 1, name: 'bobby hadz', address: { country: 'Belgium', city: 'Ghent', }, tasks: ['develop', 'ship', 'test'], };
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And here is an example of typing an array of objects.

type Employee = { id: number; name: string; address: { country: string; city: string; }; tasks: string[]; }; const employees: Employee[] = [ { id: 1, name: 'bobby hadz', address: { country: 'Belgium', city: 'Ghent', }, tasks: ['develop', 'ship', 'test'], }, { id: 2, name: 'alice', address: { country: 'Austria', city: 'Vienna', }, tasks: ['develop', 'design', 'test'], }, ];

You might have to use a type assertion, e.g. when parsing a JSON string.

type Employee = { id: number; name: string; address: { country: string; city: string; }; tasks: string[]; }; const emp1: Employee = { id: 1, name: 'bobby hadz', address: { country: 'Belgium', city: 'Ghent', }, tasks: ['develop', 'ship', 'test'], }; const json = JSON.stringify(emp1); // 👇️ using a type assertion const parsed = JSON.parse(json) as Employee; console.log(parsed.id); console.log(parsed.name);

In some rare cases, you might have to widen the type to unknown before using a type assertion to set a more specific type.

const parsed = JSON.parse(json) as unknown as Employee;

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