ESLint: How to ignore the node_modules or dist/ directory

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Mar 7, 2024
4 min


# Table of Contents

  1. ESLint: How to ignore the node_modules directory
  2. Make sure your dist/ or build/ directory is also added to .eslintignore
  3. Using the ignorePatterns property to ignore the node_modules or dist directories

# ESLint: How to ignore the node_modules directory

You can use a .eslintignore file to ignore the node_modules directory when running ESLint commands.

If you don't already have a .eslintignore file, create one in the root directory of your project (right next to your package.json file).

Try adding the following patterns to your .eslintignore file.

/**/node_modules/* node_modules/

eslint ignore node modules

The lint script in your package.json file might look something like the following.

{ "scripts": { "lint": "eslint . --ext js,jsx,ts,tsx --fix" } }

You can also issue the command directly from your terminal using npx.

npx eslint . --ext js,jsx,ts,tsx --fix

The next time you issue the npm run lint command, the node_modules directory will be ignored.

The patterns also work if you have nested node_modules directories within your project.

Make sure you don't have a pattern similar to !.* because the exclamation mark ! negates everything.

For example, the following pattern whitelists the my-folder directory.


This means that the directory will get linted.

In other words, the exclamation mark means "not the following".

If you exclude a pattern from being ignored, your node_modules folder might still get matched when running ESLint.

If you have a pattern such as !.* in your .eslintignore file, remove it and make your pattern more specific so it doesn't match your node_modules directory.

Make sure your .eslintrc, .eslintrc.js or .eslintrc.json file is in the root directory of your project, right next to your package.json file.

your-project/ └── .eslintrc └── .eslintignore └── package.json

# Make sure your dist/ or build/ directory is also added to .eslintignore

Another thing you should ensure is that your dist/ or build/ directory is also added to your .eslintignore file.

The name of your dist/ or build/ directory might be different, so make sure to specify the correct folder name.

I'm referring to the directory that contains your build artifacts.

/**/node_modules/* node_modules/ dist/ build/ out/

Your build directory is usually created after you run the npm run build command and contains the files that you deploy to a production environment.

You don't want to lint these files because they've been minified and optimized for production already and you won't be manually editing them.

# Using the ignorePatterns property to ignore the node_modules or dist directories

You can also use the ignorePatterns property in your .eslintrc.js file to ignore the node_modules and dist directories.

module.exports = { root: true, ignorePatterns: [ 'node_modules/', '**/node_modules/', '/**/node_modules/*', 'out/', 'dist/', 'build/', ] }

use ignore patterns property to ignore node modules

If you use a .eslintrc or .eslintrc.json file, make sure to double-quote all properties and values.

{ "ignorePatterns": [ "node_modules/", "**/node_modules/", "/**/node_modules/*", "out/", "dist/", "build/" ] }

Make sure to add your node_modules directory and your dist/ or build/ directory to your ignorePatterns.

The ignorePatterns configuration property is used to tell ESLint to ignore specific files and directories.

You can use the same syntax as in your .eslintignore file.

The glob patterns in your ignorePatterns array are relative to the directory in which the .eslintrc configuration file is placed.

If a pattern starts with /, then it is relative to the base directory of the config file.

For example, /my-file.js in my-folder/.eslintrc.json matches my-folder/my-file.js but doesn't match my-folder/subfolder/my-file.js.

If you specify the configuration file with the --config CLI option, then the ignore patterns that start with / are relative to the current working directory.

For example, if you issue the following command eslint . --config my-folder/.eslintrc.json --ext js,jsx,ts,tsx --fix.

eslint . --config my-folder/.eslintrc.json --ext js,jsx,ts,tsx --fix

Then, the ignore patterns in your my-folder/.eslintrc.json file are relative to . and not relative to ./my-folder.

Note that the patterns that are specified in your .eslintignore file take precedence over the ones specified in your ignorePatterns array.

# Additional Resources

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