How to change the Color of Comments in Visual Studio Code

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 6, 2024
4 min


# How to change the Color of Comments in Visual Studio Code

You can change the color of comments in VS Code directly in your settings.json file:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P (or Command + Shift + P on macOS).
Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette.
  1. Type user settings json.

  2. Click on Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)

preferences open user settings

  1. Paste the following object in your settings.json file.
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "comments": "#0aef47" },

change comments color in settings json

If you already have the editor.tokenColorCustomizations property set in your settings.json file, add the comments property to the existing object.

You shouldn't duplicate the editor.tokenColorCustomizations object.

The color can be set using the following formats:

  • #RGB
  • #RGBA

You can use the VS Code Color picker to select a color.

If I open a JavaScript file, I can see that the new comment color has been applied.

new comment color applied

The new comment color is applied to all programming languages. Here is an example of using comments in a Python file.

comment color applied to all programming languages

With the current configuration, the new comment color is applied to all themes.

In some cases, you might only want to apply the new comment color to a specific theme.

Here is an example that only applies the new comment color to the Monokai theme.

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "[Monokai]": { "comments": "#0aef47" } },

If you paste the object into your settings.json file, the new comment color will only be applied to the Monokai theme.

You can also apply the change to multiple themes.

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "[Monokai][Atom One Dark]": { "comments": "#0aef47" } },

The object applies the new comment color to the Monokai and Atom One Dark themes.

Notice that each theme name must be wrapped in square brackets.

# Using the textMateRules property for more fine-grained control

You can use the textMateRules property if you need more fine-grained control over the color of comments.

{ // italic colored comment "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "textMateRules": [ { "scope": "comment", "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic", "foreground": "#00f84b" } } ] }, }

using text mate rules property for fine grained control

The scope property is set to comments, so the properties and values in the settings object are applied to all comments.

The example sets the color of comments to green and the font style to italic.

There are many different comment-related scopes that you might want to change the color of.

Here are some examples.

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "textMateRules": [ { "scope": [ "comment", "comment.block.documentation", "comment.block.documentation.js", "comment.line.double-slash.js", "punctuation.definition.comment", "punctuation.definition.comment.begin.documentation", "punctuation.definition.comment.end.documentation", "", "storage.type.class.jsdoc", "variable.other.jsdoc" ], "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic", "foreground": "#1fee03" } } ] },

The properties and values in the settings object are applied to all comment-related scopes specified in the scope array.

If you need to get the scope of a specific part of a comment to change its color:

  1. Press:
  • Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows and Linux.
  • Command + Shift + P on macOS.
Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette.
  1. Type inspect editor and select Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes.

inspect editor tokens and scopes

You can then click on specific parts of a comment to view its textMate scopes.

view textmate scopes

Note that the command is disabled once you focus a different tab.

You can take the scope and add it to the scope array if you need to update its color.

# Changing the comment color only for the current project

If you only want to change the comment color for your current project, you have to edit your .vscode/settings.json file.

  1. In the root directory of your project, create a .vscode folder.

  2. Create a settings.json file in the .vscode folder.

  3. Add the following code to your settings.json file.

{ "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "comments": "#0aef47" } }

update comment color only for current project

The configuration in your .vscode/settings.json file only applies to the current project and overrides all global configurations.

The file can also be used to set a custom comment color for a specific theme.

{ "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "[Monokai][Atom One Dark]": { "comments": "#0aef47" } } }

# Changing the color of comments with an extension

An alternative approach to manually changing the color of comments is to use an extension.

Better Comments is the most popular VS Code extension for coloring your comments.

  1. Click on Extensions in the left sidebar.
  • You can also open the Extensions menu by pressing:
    • Ctrl + Shift + X on Windows or Linux.
    • Command + Shift + X on macOS.
  1. Type better comments.

install better comments extension

  1. Click on the Install button.

Make sure to install the correct Better Comments extension.

The extension supports many languages, so you can just open a file and start using it.

using better comments extension

If you need to customize the colors of the comments when using the extension:

  1. In the root directory of your project, create a .vscode folder.

  2. Create a settings.json file in the .vscode folder.

  3. Add the following code to your settings.json file.

{ "better-comments.tags": [ { "tag": "!", "color": "#FF2D00", "strikethrough": false, "underline": false, "backgroundColor": "transparent", "bold": false, "italic": false }, { "tag": "?", "color": "#3498DB", "strikethrough": false, "underline": false, "backgroundColor": "transparent", "bold": false, "italic": false }, { "tag": "//", "color": "#474747", "strikethrough": true, "underline": false, "backgroundColor": "transparent", "bold": false, "italic": false }, { "tag": "todo", "color": "#FF8C00", "strikethrough": false, "underline": false, "backgroundColor": "transparent", "bold": false, "italic": false }, { "tag": "*", "color": "#98C379", "strikethrough": false, "underline": false, "backgroundColor": "transparent", "bold": false, "italic": false } ] }

The tag property is the prefix that is used for coloring the line.

using better comments extension

You can read more about configuring the extension in the Configuration section of the official page.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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