How to add comments to your package.json file [3 Ways]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 20, 2023
6 min


# Table of Contents

  1. How to add comments to your package.json file
  2. Using the // key to write comments in your package.json file
  3. Caveats around using // to write comments in package.json
  4. Using a more flexible approach to write comments in package.json
  5. Writing script comments in your package.json file

# How to add comments to your package.json file

One way to add comments to your package.json file is to use the // key.

Developers from the NPM team have stated that the // key will never be used by NPM, so it is solely reserved for comments.

If you need to generate an npm file, issue the npm init -y command.

npm init -y

initialize package json file

# Using the // key to write comments in your package.json file

As noted by the NPM team, one way to write comments in your NPM file is to use the // key.

{ "//": [ "A sample express.js project", "Uses nodemon for development", "Issue npm run dev to start your development server" ], "scripts": {}, "dependencies": {}, "devDependencies": {} }

using two forward slashes for comments

The convention to use two forward slashes // comes from JavaScript.

Two forward slashes // are also used to comment a line in JS.

Notice that we used an array to write a multiline comment.

This is necessary because you aren't allowed to use the same key multiple times in a JSON object.

Make sure to write valid JSON when using this approach.

  • The "//" key has to be wrapped in double quotes.
  • All array elements have to be wrapped in double quotes.
  • The elements of the array must be separated by a comma.
  • Make sure you don't have a trailing comma after the last array element.

The NPM team has stated that they won't use the // key in the future and it is solely to be used for writing comments.

For example, if I issue an npm install command, I can see that the // key remains unchanged in my package.json file.

npm install axios

You can also set the // key to an object if that suits your use case better.

{ "//": { "key1": "value 1", "key2": "value 2", "key3": "value 3" }, "scripts": {}, "dependencies": {}, "devDependencies": {} }
  • Make sure all keys and values in the object are double-quoted.
  • Separate each key and value with a colon :.
  • Separate the key-value pairs with a comma.
  • Make sure you don't have a trailing comma after the last key-value pair.

# Caveats around using // to write comments in package.json

However, there are a couple of things to be aware of when using this approach:

  1. If you specify the // key multiple times, only the last occurrence of the key will remain after running an npm command.

Assuming you have a package.json file that looks as follows.

{ "//": [ "A sample express.js project", "Uses nodemon for development", "Issue npm run dev to start your development server" ], "//": [ "Another comment" ], "scripts": {}, "dependencies": {}, "devDependencies": {} }

If you run an npm command (e.g. npm install axios), only the second // key will remain in your package.json file.

npm install axios

Here are the contents of the package.json file after running the npm install command.

{ "//": [ "Another comment" ], "scripts": {}, "dependencies": {}, "devDependencies": {} }

Make sure to only use the // once in your package.json file.

  1. The // key must be specified at the top level (root) of your package.json file.
For example, this is valid syntax.
{ "//": [ "A sample express.js project", "Uses nodemon for development", "Issue npm run dev to start your development server" ], "scripts": {}, "dependencies": {}, "devDependencies": {} }

On the other hand, specifying the // key as a nested key in the JSON object is not allowed.

The following is invalid syntax.
{ "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon index.js", "//": [ "A sample express.js project", "Uses nodemon for development", "Issue npm run dev to start your development server" ] }, "dependencies": {} }

comment key should not be nested

# Using a more flexible approach to write comments in package.json

An alternative approach is to use comments with keys specific to each property, e.g. scripts-comments, dependencies-comments, etc.

{ "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon index.js" }, "scripts-comments": { "dev": "Starts the development server" }, "dependencies": { "axios": "^1.3.6", "express": "^4.18.2", "nodemon": "^2.0.20", "uuid": "^9.0.0" }, "dependencies-comments": { "axios": "Used for making HTTP requests", "express": "A simple Node.js server", "nodemon": "Restarts your server during development" } }

The scripts-comments and dependencies-comments names are just examples.

You could name the keys anything that suits your use case, as long as they don't clash with the built-in package.json keys, such as scripts, dependencies, devDependencies, etc.

using more fine-grained approach to comment package json

The comments remain in your package.json file after issuing npm commands.

Note that your custom comments cannot be nested and should be at the top level (the root) of your package.json object.

However, if you decide to use this approach, make sure that your custom keys don't clash with the built-in package.json keys.

Some of the keys that are taken and should be avoided are:

  • version
  • keywords
  • author
  • license
  • description
  • type
  • name
  • main
  • scripts
  • dependencies
  • devDependencies

You can also customize your keys by using a certain prefix (e.g. @) that reduces the likelihood that your keys will clash with the built-in ones.

Here is an example of using an @ prefix for keys of comments.

{ "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon index.js" }, "@scripts-comments": { "dev": "Starts the development server" }, "dependencies": { "axios": "^1.3.6", "express": "^4.18.2", "nodemon": "^2.0.20", "uuid": "^9.0.0" }, "@dependencies-comments": { "axios": "Used for making HTTP requests", "express": "A simple Node.js server", "nodemon": "Restarts your server during development" } }

using at prefix for keys of comments

Using a prefix makes it very unlikely that a newly introduced package.json key will clash with your custom keys.

You can also use a prefix of // if you find this more readable.

{ "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon index.js" }, "//scripts-comments": { "dev": "Starts the development server" }, "dependencies": { "axios": "^1.3.6", "express": "^4.18.2", "nodemon": "^2.0.20", "uuid": "^9.0.0" }, "//dependencies-comments": { "axios": "Used for making HTTP requests", "express": "A simple Node.js server", "nodemon": "Restarts your server during development" } }

The previous two examples use objects when writing comments.

However, you can also use arrays for multiline comments.

{ "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon index.js" }, "@scripts-comments": [ "The 'dev' command starts the development server" ], "dependencies": { "axios": "^1.3.6", "express": "^4.18.2", "nodemon": "^2.0.20", "uuid": "^9.0.0" }, "@dependencies-comments": [ "The 'axios' package is used for making HTTP requests", "The 'express' module is a simple Node.js server", "The 'nodemon' package restarts your server during development" ] }

using array for multiline comments

# Writing script comments in your package.json file

Another commonly used convention is to write comments in the scripts section of your package.json file.

This way, you can run the script to see more information about a specific command.

{ "scripts": { "dev": "nodemon index.js", "//dev": "echo 'Start the development server'", "start": "node index.js", "//start": "echo 'Start the Node.js server'" } }

The scripts object has 2 keys that point to commands (dev and start) and 2 comments (//dev and //start).

Prefixing the keys with two forward slashes (//dev) is just a convention.

You could use any other prefix or any other name, as long as you don't have duplicate keys in the scripts object.

The benefit of using this approach is that you can use the echo package to print more information about a specific command.

When you issue the following commands, you will see the corresponding comments.

npm run //dev npm run //start

run npm script to print comment

If you use yarn, you would use the following commands instead.

yarn //dev yarn //start

print comments using yarn commands

I've also written an article on how to add comments to a .env file.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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