Error parsing Parameter expected = Received EOF [Solved]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Feb 26, 2024
2 min


# Error parsing Parameter expected = Received EOF [Solved]

The "Error parsing Parameter expected = Received EOF for input" error occurs when a local file is passed as a parameter to an AWS CLI command, without setting the file:// prefix.

error parsing parameter

To solve the error prefix the parameter that takes the local file with file://.

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestTable --item file://item.json
When you have to pass a file on your local file system as a --parameter to an AWS CLI command, prefix the file path with file://.

In the example above, the shell is opened in the directory where the item.json file is located. If your terminal is opened in a different directory you can pass a local or absolute path leading to the file.

For example, on Linux and MacOS, you can use relative and absolute paths as follows:

# relative path, same directory aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestTable --item file://item.json # relative path, navigate to directory aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestTable --item file://./item.json # absolute path aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestTable --item file:///home/john/item.json

Note that for absolute paths on Linux and MacOS, we have 3 / (forward slash) symbols. The first 2 are a part of the prefix and the third is a part of the absolute path.

On Windows, you can specify a file:// prefix as follows:

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestTable --item file://C:\my-folder\item.json

In some very rare cases, you might have to prefix the file parameter with fileb://, instead of file://.

The fileb:// prefix reads your file as binary.

Use the file:// prefix when passing human-readable files as --parameters and use the fileb:// prefix when passing binary files (not human-readable) as --parameters to an AWS CLI command.

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