[Fix] Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) warning

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: May 21, 2023
4 min


# Table of Contents

  1. [Fix] Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) warning
  2. Replace the @tailwind directive with @import directives
  3. Configuring the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension correctly
  4. Using the PostCSS Language Support extension to resolve the issue

# [Fix] Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) warning

The following solution shows how to resolve the "Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules)" if you use VS Code as your code editor.

unknown at rule tailwind css

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P (or Command + Shift + P on macOS).
Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette.
  1. Type user settings and select Preferences: Open User Settings.

open user settings

You can also open the settings screen by pressing Ctrl + , on Windows and Linux or Cmd + , on macOS.

  1. Search for unknown at rules rules.

  2. Locate the CSS > Lint: Unknown At Rules setting and set it to ignore from the dropdown menu.

set css lint unknown at rules to ignore

Switch back to your .css file and you won't see the warning anymore.

warning is resolved

You can also disable the CSS > Lint: Unknown At Rules setting in your settings.json file.

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P (or Command + Shift + P on macOS).
Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette.
  1. Type user settings json.

  2. Click on Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)

preferences open user settings

  1. Add the following line to your settings.json file.
"css.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore",

disable css lint unknown at rules in settings json

Make sure to remove the tailing comma if the property comes last.

You can also disable the setting only for your current project in your .vscode/settings.json file.

  1. In the root directory of your project, create a .vscode folder.

  2. Create a settings.json file in the .vscode folder.

  3. Add the following code to your settings.json file.

{ "css.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore" }

disable css lint unknown at rules for current project only

Note that the settings you've added to your .vscode/settings.json file only apply to the current project and override any global configuration.

# Replace the @tailwind directive with @import directives

You can also resolve the warning by replacing the @tailwind directives in your .css file with @import directives.

Open your .css file and replace this:

@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;

With this:

@import 'tailwindcss/base'; @import 'tailwindcss/components'; @import 'tailwindcss/utilities';

Save the file and the issue should be resolved.

# Configuring the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension correctly

You can also resolve the issue by installing and configuring the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension in VS Code:

  1. Click on Extensions in the left sidebar.
  • You can also open the Extensions menu by pressing:
    • Ctrl + Shift + X on Windows or Linux
    • Command + Shift + X on macOS
  1. Type tailwindcss intellisense.

install tailwind css intellisense extension

  1. Click on the Install button.

Make sure you have the correct Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension installed and enabled.

You can also install it by using the Command Palette:

  1. Press Ctrl + P (or Command + P on macOS).

  2. Paste the following command and press Enter.

ext install bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss

Once the extension is installed, you have to configure it correctly to resolve the issue.

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P (or Command + Shift + P on macOS).
Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette.
  1. Type user settings json.

  2. Click on Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)

preferences open user settings

  1. Add the following property to your settings.json file.
"files.associations": { "*.css": "tailwindcss" },

set files associations in settings json

Make sure to remove the trailing comma if the property comes last.

Once you set the property, the warning will no longer be shown.

You can also add the following property to your settings.json file.

"editor.quickSuggestions": { "strings": true }

By default VS Code doesn't trigger completions when editing string content (e.g. JSX attribute values).

Setting editor.quickSuggestions.strings to true enables autocomplete for string properties.

# Using the PostCSS Language Support extension to resolve the issue

You can also use the PostCSS Language Support VS Code extension to resolve the issue.

  1. Click on Extensions in the left sidebar.
  • You can also open the Extensions menu by pressing:
    • Ctrl + Shift + X on Windows or Linux
    • Command + Shift + X on macOS
  1. Type postcss language support.

install postcss language support extension

  1. Click on the Install button.

Make sure you have the correct Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension installed and enabled.

You can also install it by using the Command Palette:

  1. Press Ctrl + P (or Command + P on macOS).

  2. Paste the following command and press Enter.

ext install csstools.postcss

Switch to your .css file and the warnings should be resolved.

If you also want to use the extension with .scss files:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P (or Command + Shift + P on macOS).
Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette.
  1. Type user settings json.

  2. Click on Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)

preferences open user settings

  1. Add the following property to your settings.json file.
"files.associations": { "*.scss": "postcss" },

set files associations for scss

Make sure to remove the trailing comma if the property comes last.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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