React not reading .env file Environment Variables [Solved]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 7, 2024
6 min


# Table of Contents

  1. React not reading .env file environment variables
  2. Create a .env file in the root directory of your project
  3. Make sure all environment variables start with REACT_APP_
  4. Restart your development server after making changes to your .env file
  5. Access the environment variables on the process.env object
  6. The NODE_ENV environment variable
  7. Accessing your environment variables in the public/index.html file
  8. Defining temporary environment variables
  9. Using multiple .env files based on the environment

# React not reading .env file environment variables [Solved]

There are multiple reasons why React might not be picking up your environment variables from a .env file.

When using a .env file in Create React App, make sure:

  1. Your .env file is located in the root directory of your project (right next to your package.json file).
  2. All environment variables start with the REACT_APP_ prefix, e.g. REACT_APP_ENV=development.
  3. To restart your server every time you make changes to your .env file.
If React can't pick up a given environment variable, accessing it as a property on the process.env object returns undefined.

# Create a .env file in the root directory of your project

Make sure you have a .env file in the root directory of your project (where your package.json file is).

Your .env file should NOT be placed in the src/ directory, it should be in the root directory.

create env file in root directory

# Make sure all environment variables start with REACT_APP_

All environment variables you define in your .env file must start with the REACT_APP_ prefix.

By default, the NODE_ENV environment variable is defined and all other environment variables that start with REACT_APP_.

start environment variables with react app

React uses the REACT_APP_ prefix to make it clear that you shouldn't store secrets (such as API keys or passwords) in React environment variables.

React.js environment variables are embedded in the build and can be viewed by anyone by inspecting your project's files.

The syntax for environment variables in your .env file is REACT_APP_FOO=bar.

Here are the two environment variables I've defined for the example.


Make sure your .env file is formatted as REACT_APP_FOO=bar as shown in the example.

Create React App won't be able to read your .env file if you have syntactical errors.

If your values contain spaces, wrap them in quotes.

REACT_APP_FOO='hello world'

Make sure to not add semicolons after the key-value pairs.

# ⛔️ Incorrect (has semicolon at the end) REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT=development; # ✅ Correct (does NOT have a semicolon) REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT=development

# Restart your development server after making changes to your .env file

Create React App reads your .env file at build time.

In other words, the only way for React to pick up the changes you've made in your .env file is to restart your server.

Once you make changes to your .env file:

  1. Save the file.
  2. Stop your development server by focusing your terminal and pressing Ctrl + C.

restart your server

  1. Start your development server with the npm start command.
npm start

# Access the environment variables on the process.env object

After you've set up your .env file and restarted your server, you can access the environment variables on the process.env object.

Here is my .env file.


And here is my App.js file in which I access the 2 environment variables.

function App() { console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT); console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_SITE); return ( <div style={{margin: 50}}> <h2></h2> </div> ); } export default App;

If I open my developer tools and click on the Console tab, I can see that the values of the environment variables have been logged.

access environment variables success

You can also read the environment variables in your JSX code.

function App() { return ( <div style={{margin: 50}}> <h2></h2> <h2>{process.env.REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT}</h2> <h2>{process.env.REACT_APP_SITE}</h2> </div> ); } export default App;

reading environment variables in jsx code

If you get undefined when you try to access an environment variable, make sure:

  1. The environment variable starts with REACT_APP_ (this is a must when using Create React App).
  2. You have restarted your server after making changes to your .env file.
  3. You haven't misspelled the environment variable when accessing it on the process.env object.

You must always restart your server after making changes to your .env file.

Otherwise, the build step isn't run and your environment variables will be stale or undefined.

If your environment variable is named REACT_APP_FOO, access it as process.env.REACT_APP_FOO in your code.

# The NODE_ENV environment variable

Create React App automatically sets the NODE_ENV environment variable.

The built-in environment variable can be accessed as process.env.NODE_ENV.

function App() { console.log(process.env.NODE_ENV); return ( <div style={{margin: 50}}> <h2></h2> </div> ); } export default App;

access node env environment variable

Here is a table that shows the value of the NODE_ENV environment variable depending on the command you run.

CommandNODE_ENV value
npm startdevelopment
npm testtest
npm run buildproduction

The NODE_ENV environment variable is read-only and cannot be overwritten.

You can use the environment variable to check if your application is running in development or production mode.

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.log('App is not in production mode'); }

# Accessing your environment variables in the public/index.html file

You can also access your environment variables in the public/index.html file.

For example, assuming I have the following .env file.


I can read the REACT_APP_SITE environment variable in my index.html file as follows.


access environment variable in index html file

Notice that we don't use the process.env object when reading environment variables in the index.html file.

Instead, we wrap the environment variable name in percent signs %.

If you aren't able to access the environment variable, try restarting your development server and make sure you don't have any typos.

You can access the built-in NODE_ENV and PUBLIC_URL variables in your index.html file and all user-defined variables that start with REACT_APP_.

As previously noted, the environment variables are injected at build time.

If you need to inject them at run time, check out this section of the Create React Docs.

# Defining temporary environment variables

You can also define temporary environment variables that last for the life of the shell session.

If you are on macOS or Linux, use the following syntax.

# For macOS and Linux REACT_APP_DOMAIN="" npm start

If you are on Windows and use CMD, use the following syntax instead.

# For Windows (CMD.exe) set "" && npm start

If you are on Windows and use PowerShell, use the following syntax.

# For Windows (PowerShell) ($env:REACT_APP_DOMAIN = "") -and (npm start)

If you'd rather have an operating system agnostic way to manage your temporary environment variables, use the cross-env package.

First, install the package by running the following command.

# 👇️ with NPM npm install cross-env # 👇️ with YARN yarn add cross-env

Now, update the start script in your package.json file to set the environment variable right before issuing the react-scripts start command.

{ "scripts": { "start": "cross-env react-scripts start", } }

# Using multiple .env files based on the environment

As shown in this section of the Create React App, you can use multiply .env files based on the environment.

  • .env - the default file.
  • .env.local - local overrides (loaded for all environments except test).
  • .env.development, .env.test, .env.production - environment-specific files.
  • .env.development.local, .env.test.local, .env.production.local - local overrides for environment-specific files.

The following commands look for the following .env files in this order.

npm start.env.development.local, .env.local, .env.development, .env
npm run build.env.production.local, .env.local, .env.production, .env.
npm test.env.test.local, .env.test, .env

The commands look for the environment variable files in the specified order (from left to right).

You should check your .env files into source control except for the .env*.local files which are your local overrides.

Note that the .env*.local files are not loaded when running the npm test command.

When using a .env file in Create React App, make sure:

  1. Your .env files are located in the root directory of your project (right next to your package.json file).
  2. All environment variables start with the REACT_APP_ prefix, e.g. REACT_APP_ENV=development.
  3. To restart your server every time you make changes to your .env files.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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