'X npm packages are looking for funding' on npm install

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 20, 2023
3 min


# 'X npm packages are looking for funding' on npm install

The "X packages are looking for funding" message is usually shown when you run the npm install or npm update commands.

Note that your installation command succeeded and the message is not an error or a warning.

npm packages are looking for funding

243 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details

The message indicates that the authors of some of your dependencies are looking for funding.

You can run the npm fund command if you want to retrieve information on how to fund the authors of some of the NPM packages you're using.

npm fund

issue npm fund command

The command lists the packages that are looking for funding and links to pages where you can support them, e.g. by sponsoring them on GitHub or on opencollective.

You can also scope the npm fund command to a specific package if you need to check if a package you're using is looking for sponsors.

npm fund chalk
Make sure to replace chalk with the name of the given package.

If the specified package is looking for funding, its GitHub sponsors or opencollective page will open automatically in your browser.

# Disabling the message when running npm install

If you'd like to disable the 'X packages are looking for funding message' when running the npm install command, set the --no-fund option.

npm install --no-fund

npm install with no fund option

You can also disable the message when installing a specific package.

npm install --no-fund axios

Make sure to replace axios with the name of the given package.

npm install specific pacakge with no fund option

The same approach can be used to install multiple packages with the --no-fund option.

npm install --no-fund axios uuid

# Disabling the message for your current project

If you'd like to disable showing the 'X packages are looking for funding message' for your current project, use the npm config set command.

npm config set fund false

disable npm funding message for project

The npm config set command sets the specified key to the given value.

If you run the npm install or npm update command after setting the fund key to false, you won't see the message.

You can use the npm config get fund command to retrieve the current value of the fund setting.

npm config get fund

print value of fund setting

If you want to switch the setting to true, you would issue the following command.

npm config set fund true

# Disabling the message globally

If you want to disable showing the message globally, use the --global option when issuing the npm config set command.

npm config set fund false --location=global

disable npm fund message globally

When the --global option is set, the key-value pair is applied globally.

The next time you run the npm install or npm update command, you won't see the message.

You can issue the npm config get fund --global command to get the current value of the fund global setting.

npm config get fund --global

get global value of fund setting

If you'd like to enable the setting, set it to true.

npm config set fund true --location=global

enable npm fund global setting

If you see a message that you have 'X high severity vulnerabilities', check out the following article.

# Conclusion

It should be noted that the 'X packages are looking for funding' message is not an error or warning and your packages have been installed successfully.

NPM v6.13 added a funding field in package.json that package authors can use when looking for sponsors.

After you run the npm install or npm update command, a message is printed in regards to how many packages have defined their funding information.

If you'd like to disable the message, use the --no-fund option when issuing the npm install command.

# when installing all modules npm install --no-fund # when installing a specific module npm install --no-fund axios

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