Chrome: disable internet connection for a specific site

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 5, 2024
2 min


# Chrome: disable internet connection for a specific site

To disable internet connection for a specific site and work offline in Google Chrome:

  1. Open the page in your Chrome browser.
  2. Open your developer tools by right-clicking on the page and selecting Inspect or press F12.

right click select inspect

  1. Click on the Network tab.

click on network tab

If you don't see the Network tab, click on the >> icon and select Network.

  1. Click on No throttling and select Offline.

click no throttling and select offline

Once you select Offline a yellow icon appears next to your Network tab to warn you that you are working in offline mode.

network set to offline

If you refresh the page, you won't be able to connect to the internet.

refresh page no internet connection

If you only want to slow your network's speed but not switch it off completely, select one of the throttling options.

select throttling option

Fast 3G and Slow 3G are often used when testing how your site performs on slower mobile devices that don't have good access to the internet.

Note that this approach also works to throttle WebSocket requests.

In previous versions of Chrome, this was not the case.

For example, if you select Slow 3G in your Network panel, click on WS (Web Sockets) and select your Messages tab, you will see that the message transfers are also throttled.

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