removeEventListener not working in JavaScript [Solved]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Mar 4, 2024
3 min


# removeEventListener not working in JavaScript [Solved]

There are multiple reasons the removeEventListener method might not work:

  1. Not passing the same function to the addEventListener and removeEventListener methods.
  2. Using the bind method which returns a new function when calling removeEventListener.
  3. Calling removeEventListener on a different DOM element than the addEventListener method.
  4. Registering the event listener twice - with and without the capture flag.

# Passing 2 different functions to addEventListener and removeEventListener

Here is the most common cause of the issue - passing 2 different functions to the addEventListener() and removeEventListener() methods.

const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); btn.addEventListener('click', function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); }); // ⛔️ Doesn't work - we define another function btn.removeEventListener('click', function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); });
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The function we passed to the 2 methods looks identical, however, these are two different functions with completely different references, stored in different locations in memory.

To the JavaScript engine, these 2 functions are not related in any way.

Instead, you should define the function and pass the same reference to the addEventListener and removeEventListener methods.

const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); } btn.addEventListener('click', logger); // ✅ Works btn.removeEventListener('click', logger);
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We passed the same reference to both methods, so the removeEventListener method works as expected.

# Using bind() returns a new function

Another common cause of the removeEventListener method not working is using the bind method which returns a new function.

const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); } btn.addEventListener('click', logger); // ⛔️ Doesn't work - bind returns a new function btn.removeEventListener('click', logger.bind(null));
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The bind() method returns a copy of the given function with the provided this value and initial arguments.

To avoid this issue, assign the return value of calling the bind() method to a variable and pass it to both the addEventListener and removeEventListener methods.

const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); } const boundLogger = logger.bind(null); btn.addEventListener('click', boundLogger); // ✅ Works btn.removeEventListener('click', boundLogger);
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# Calling removeEventListener on another DOM element

Another common cause of the removeEventListener method not working is calling the method on another DOM element.

const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); } btn.addEventListener('click', logger); // 👇️ Different DOM element const blueBtn = document.getElementById('blue-btn'); // ⛔️ Doesn't work called on different DOM element blueBtn.removeEventListener('click', logger);

To solve the issue, make sure to call the removeEventListener method on the same element you called the addEventListener method on.

# Calling the addEventListener method twice

Lastly, you might also get this behavior if you call the addEventListener method twice - once without capture and once with capture.

const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); } btn.addEventListener('click', logger, true); btn.addEventListener('click', logger, false); // ⛔️ Doesn't work registered with and without capture btn.removeEventListener('click', logger);
The code for this article is available on GitHub

You have to remove each event listener separately to resolve the issue.

const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); function logger() { console.log('Button clicked'); } btn.addEventListener('click', logger, true); btn.addEventListener('click', logger, false); // ✅ Works btn.removeEventListener('click', logger, true); btn.removeEventListener('click', logger, false);

We had to call the removeEventListener method twice to remove both events - the one that had the capture flag set and the one that didn't.

# Conclusion

To resolve the removeEventListener not working issue, make sure to pass the same function to the addEventListener and removeEventListener methods.

Passing a function that has a different reference will not remove the listener.

# Additional Resources

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