Get first N elements or Nth element of a Generator in Python

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 10, 2024
7 min


# Table of Contents

  1. Get the first N elements of a Generator in Python
  2. Get a single element from a Generator in Python
  3. Get the Nth element of a Generator in Python

# Get the first N elements of a Generator in Python

To get the first N elements of a generator:

  1. Use the islice() method to get an iterator of the first N elements.
  2. Optionally convert the iterator to a list.
from itertools import islice def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() first_2 = list(islice(gen, 2)) print(first_2) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [1, 2]

get first n elements of generator

The code for this article is available on GitHub

If you need to get a single element from a generator, click on the following subheading.

The itertools.islice() method takes an iterator and optional start and stop indices.

The method makes an iterator that returns the selected elements from the iterable.

We only specified a value for the stop index of 2, so the iterator object only contains the first 2 elements of the generator.

The islice() method returns an iterator, but you can use the list() class if you need to convert the result to a list object.

If your generator object isn't infinitely long, you can convert it to a list and use list slicing to get the first N elements.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() my_list = list(gen) first_2 = my_list[:2] print(first_2) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [1, 2]

The list class takes an iterable and returns a list object.

The syntax for list slicing is my_list[start:stop:step].

The start index is inclusive and the stop index is exclusive (up to, but not including).

Python indexes are zero-based, so the first item in a list has an index of 0, and the last item has an index of -1 or len(my_list) - 1.

We only specified a value for the stop index, so the list slice starts at index 0 and goes up to, but not including index 2.

Note that converting the generator object to a list exhausts it, so make sure to store the result in a variable.

Alternatively, you can use the next() function.

# Get the first N elements of a Generator using next()

This is a three-step process:

  1. Use a list comprehension to iterate over a range object of length N.
  2. Use the next() function to return each item.
  3. The new list will only contain the first N elements of the generator.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() first_2 = [next(gen, None) for _ in range(2)] print(first_2) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [1, 2]

get first n elements of generator using next

The code for this article is available on GitHub

We used the range() class to create a range object of length N.
print(list(range(2))) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [0, 1] print(list(range(3))) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [0, 1, 2]

On each iteration, we use the next() function to get an item from the generator and return the result.

The next() function returns the next item from the provided iterator.

The function can be passed a default value as the second argument.

If the iterator is exhausted or empty, the default value is returned.

If the iterator is exhausted or empty and no default value is provided, a StopIteration exception is raised.

We used None as the default value. If you need to filter out any None values from the list, use a list comprehension.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() # ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ Get the first 2 elements of a generator next(gen) next(gen) first_2 = [next(gen, None) for _ in range(2)] print(first_2) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [3, None] # ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ remove None values from the list first_2 = [item for item in first_2 if item is not None] print(first_2) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [3]

Alternatively, you can use a for loop.

# Get the first N elements of a Generator using a for loop

This is a three-step process:

  1. Use a for loop to iterate over the generator with enumerate().
  2. Check if the current index is less than N.
  3. If the condition is met, append the current item to a list.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() first_2 = [] for index, item in enumerate(gen): if index < 2: first_2.append(item) else: break print(first_2)

get first n elements of generator using for loop

The code for this article is available on GitHub

We used the enumerate() function to get access to the index of the current iteration.

The enumerate() function takes an iterable and returns an enumerate object containing tuples where the first element is the index and the second is the corresponding item.
my_list = ['bobby', 'hadz', 'com'] for index, item in enumerate(my_list): print(index, item) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 0 bobby, 1 hadz, 2 com

On each iteration, we check if the current index is less than 2.

If the condition is met, we append the item to a list.

If the condition isn't met, we exit out of the loop.

The break statement breaks out of the innermost enclosing for or while loop.

Which approach you pick is a matter of personal preference. If the generator is not infinitely long, I'd simply convert it to a list and use list slicing.

# Get a single element from a Generator in Python

Use the next() function to get a single element from a generator.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() print(next(gen)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 1 print(next(gen)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 2 print(next(gen)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 3 print(next(gen, None)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ None
The code for this article is available on GitHub

You can get the first element of a generator by calling the next() function once.

The next() function returns the next item from the provided iterator.

The function can be passed a default value as the second argument.

If the iterator is exhausted or empty, the default value is returned.

If the iterator is exhausted or empty and no default value is provided, a StopIteration exception is raised.

We used None as the default value, but you can use any other value that suits your use case.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() print(next(gen, None)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 1 print(next(gen, None)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 2 print(next(gen, None)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 3 print(next(gen, None)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ None

You can also use the list() class to convert the generator object to a list and get one element at a time.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() my_list = list(gen) print(my_list) print(my_list[0]) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 1 print(my_list[1]) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 2 print(my_list[2]) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 3 print(list(gen)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ []

List objects are subscriptable, so we can access the element at a specific index after converting the generator object to a list.

Note that converting the generator object to a list exhausts it, so make sure to store the result in a variable.

You can also iterate over a generator object using a simple for loop.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() for item in gen: print(item) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 1, 2, 3

If you convert the generator to a list, make sure the index you are accessing exists.

Trying to access a list at an index that doesn't exist raises an IndexError exception.

You can use a try/except statement if you need to handle the exception.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() my_list = list(gen) print(my_list) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ [1, 2, 3] try: result = my_list[100] print(result) except IndexError: # ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ this runs print('List index out of range')

The specified index is out of range, so the except block runs.

# Get the Nth element of a Generator in Python

To get the Nth element of a generator:

  1. Use the islice() method to get an iterator starting at index N.
  2. Pass the iterator to the next() function.
  3. The next() function will return the Nth element of the generator.
from itertools import islice def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() second = next( islice(gen, 1, None), None ) print(second) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 2
The code for this article is available on GitHub

The itertools.islice() method takes an iterator and optional start and stop indices.

The method makes an iterator that returns the selected elements from the iterable.

We used a start index of 0 and a stop index of None.

When stop is None, then iteration continues until the iterator is exhausted.

For infinitely long generators, the iteration stops at the specified position.

The next() function returns the next item from the provided iterator.

The function can be passed a default value as the second argument.

If the iterator is exhausted or empty, the default value is returned.

If the iterator is exhausted or empty and no default value is provided, a StopIteration exception is raised.

We used None as the default value but you can use any other value that suits your use case.
from itertools import islice def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() item = next( islice(gen, 100, None), 'default value' ) print(item) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ default value

If your generator object isn't infinitely long, you can convert it to a list and access the list element at index N.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() my_list = list(gen) print(my_list[0]) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 1 print(my_list[1]) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 2 print(my_list[2]) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 3 print(list(gen)) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ []

The list class takes an iterable and returns a list object.

Note that converting the generator object to a list exhausts it, so make sure to store the result in a variable.

You can also use the enumerate() function to get access to the index of the current iteration.
def g(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = g() nthElement = next( (item for index, item in enumerate(gen) if index == 1), None ) print(nthElement) # ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ 2
The code for this article is available on GitHub

The enumerate() function takes an iterable and returns an enumerate object containing tuples where the first element is the index and the second is the corresponding item.

On each iteration, we check current index is equal to a specific index.

If the condition is met, we return the corresponding item.

Which approach you pick is a matter of personal preference. I'd use the list() class for non-infinite generator objects as conversion to a list is quite intuitive and readable.

# Additional Resources

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Copyright ยฉ 2025 Borislav Hadzhiev