Convert a Date object to Ticks using JavaScript

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Mar 6, 2024
2 min


# Convert a Date object to Ticks using JavaScript

To convert a date object to ticks:

  1. Use the getTime() method on the date to get the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
  2. Multiply the timestamp by the number of ticks in a millisecond (10,000).
  3. Add the epoch offset to the result.
function dateToTicks(date) { const epochOffset = 621355968000000000; const ticksPerMillisecond = 10000; const ticks = date.getTime() * ticksPerMillisecond + epochOffset; return ticks; } console.log(dateToTicks(new Date())); console.log(dateToTicks(new Date('2023-01-20')));

convert date object to ticks

The code for this article is available on GitHub

The dateToTicks() function takes a Date object as a parameter and converts it to universal ticks.

A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds.

If you need the number of milliseconds elapsed between the 1st of January 1970 00:00:00 UTC and the given date, call the getTime() method on the Date object instead.
const millisecondsSinceEpoch = new Date('2022-01-20').getTime(); console.log(millisecondsSinceEpoch); // 👉️ 16426368000000

using gettime method

In our function, we stored the epoch offset in a variable. This is the number of nanoseconds between the 1st of January 0001 and the 1st of January 1970.

The second variable ticksPerMillisecond stores the number of .net ticks there are in a millisecond (10,000).

To get the total number of .net ticks, we have to multiply the milliseconds since the Unix Epoch by the number of ticks per millisecond and add the epoch offset.

The getTime() method returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch, so multiplying the value by the number of ticks in 1 millisecond (10,000) gives us the number of ticks since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

Adding the epoch offset to the result gives us the total number of ticks since the 1st of January 0001.

The code for this article is available on GitHub

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