The left-hand side of assignment expression may not be an optional property access

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Feb 28, 2024
4 min


# The left-hand side of assignment expression may not be an optional property access

The error "The left-hand side of an assignment expression may not be an optional property access" occurs when we try to use optional chaining (?.) to assign a property to an object.

To solve the error, use an if statement that serves as a type guard instead.

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

type Employee = { name: string; country: string; }; let employee: Employee | undefined; // ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๏ธ could be undefined // โ›”๏ธ Error: The left-hand side of an // assignment expression may not be // an optional property access.ts(2779) employee?.country = 'Germany';

left hand side of assignment expression may not be optional property

We aren't allowed to use the optional chaining (?.) operator on the left-hand side of an assignment.

# Use an if statement as a type guard to solve the error

To solve the error, use an if statement as a type guard before the assignment.

type Employee = { name: string; country: string; }; let employee: Employee | undefined; // ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๏ธ could be undefined if (employee != undefined) { = 'Germany'; }

use if statement as type guard to solve the error

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We used the loose not equals operator (!=), to check if the variable is NOT equal to null and undefined.

This works because when compared loosely, null is equal to undefined.

console.log(null == undefined); // ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ true console.log(null === undefined); // ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ false

The if block is only run if employee doesn't store an undefined or a null value.

This is similar to what the optional chaining (?.) operator does.

# Using the non-null assertion operator to solve the error

You might also see examples online that use the non-null assertion operator to solve the error.

type Employee = { name: string; country: string; }; const employee: Employee | undefined = { name: '', country: '' }; // ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๏ธ could be undefined employee!.country = 'Germany';
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The exclamation mark is the non-null assertion operator in TypeScript.

It removes null and undefined from a type without doing any explicit type-checking.

When you use this approach, you basically tell TypeScript that this value will never be null or undefined.

This is very risky most of the time as it often causes runtime errors when we aren't absolutely sure that the value is never going to be null or undefined.

Here is an example of using this approach to set a property on an object.

type Employee = { name: string; country: string; }; // ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ could be undefined const employee: Employee | undefined = { name: '', country: '', }; employee!.country = 'Germany'; // ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ { name: '', country: 'Germany' } console.log(employee);

using non null assertion to solve the error

In most cases, you should use a simple if statement that serves as a type guard as we did in the previous code sample.

# Avoiding the error with a type assertion

You can also use a type assertion to avoid getting the error. However, this isn't recommended.

type Employee = { name: string; country: string; }; // ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ could be undefined const employee: Employee | undefined = { name: '', country: '', }; (employee as Employee).country = 'Germany'; // ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ { name: '', country: 'Germany' } console.log(employee);

avoiding the error with type assertion

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The (employee as Employee) syntax is called a type assertion.

Type assertions are used when we have information about the type of a value that TypeScript can't know about.

We effectively tell TypeScript that the employee variable will have a type of Employee and not to worry about it.

This could go wrong if the variable is null or undefined as accessing a property on a null or an undefined value would cause a runtime error.

# Using the logical AND (&&) operator to get around the error

You can also use the logical AND (&&) operator to avoid getting the error.

type Employee = { name: string; country: string; }; // ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ could be undefined const employee: Employee | undefined = { name: '', country: '', }; employee && ( = 'Germany'); console.log(employee); // ๐Ÿ‘‰๏ธ { name: '', country: 'Germany' }

using logical and operator to get around the error

The logical AND (&&) operator checks if the value to the left is truthy before evaluating the statement in the parentheses.

If the employee variable stores a falsy value (e.g. null or undefined), the code to the right of the logical AND (&&) operator won't run at all.

The falsy values in JavaScript are: false, undefined, null, 0, "" (empty string), NaN (not a number).

All other values are truthy.

However, this approach can only be used to assign a single property at a time if the value is not equal to null and undefined.

# The optional chaining operator should only be used when accessing properties

The optional chaining (?.) operator short-circuits if the reference is equal to null or undefined.

type Employee = { name: string; country: string; }; let employee: Employee | undefined; // ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๏ธ could be undefined // ๐Ÿ‘‡๏ธ undefined console.log(employee?.country.toLowerCase());
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The optional chaining (?.) operator will simply return undefined in the example because employee has a value of undefined.

The purpose of the optional chaining (?.) operator is accessing deeply nested properties without erroring out if a value in the chain is equal to null or undefined.

However, the optional chaining operator cannot be used on the left-hand side of an assignment expression.

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Copyright ยฉ 2025 Borislav Hadzhiev