Email Address is not Verified AWS SES Error [Solved]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Feb 26, 2024
3 min


# Email Address is not Verified AWS SES Error [Solved]

The "Email address is not verified" error occurs for 2 reasons:

  1. We are trying to send emails, from identities (email or domain) that are not verified in AWS SES.
  2. The AWS SES account is in sandbox mode in that particular region.
AWS SES accounts that are in sandbox mode can only send emails from and to verified email addresses or domains.

To solve the "Email address is not verified" error in AWS SES:

  1. Verify whether your SES account is in the sandbox mode. You can do that by opening the AWS SES console in the specific region and clicking on Account dashboard. If you are in sandbox mode, click on Request production access, fill out and submit the form.

    It usually takes a few hours/days for AWS to review your request and grant you production access to SES. Once in production mode, you can send emails to any email address, from your verified identities (email or domain).


Note that SES is region-specific, you must request production access for every single region you intend to send emails from.
  1. Click on Verified Identities in the left sidebar menu and make sure the email address/domain you are using to send emails is verified.

    If your email/domain is not verified click on the Create identity button and add the email address or domain you will use to send emails.

    If you add an email address, you will receive an email with a verification link. Click the link to change the status to verified.

    If you add a domain you will receive a record you have to add in your domain registrar. Add the record, e.g. in namecheap or route53 or godaddy to change the status to verified.

    It might take a few hours until the DNS records are propagated and your domain is verified.

verified identities ses

Once your account is out of the sandbox and the identity you use to send emails is verified, you will be able to send emails to any address.

Once your account is out of the sandbox, the alert in your account's dashboard will disappear and your Sending limits will be increased:

out of sandbox

The status in the Verified Identities tab should be Verified:

verified status

Keep in mind that if you change the region, you have to go through the same process all over again. Requesting SES live account access and verifying identities is region-specific.

I've also written an article on how to send emails in AWS CDK.

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