Excel file format cannot be determined, you must specify an engine manually

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 10, 2024
3 min


# Excel file format cannot be determined, you must specify an engine manually

The "ValueError: Excel file format cannot be determined, you must specify an engine manually" error occurs for multiple reasons:

  1. Your operating system creates temporary lock files named ~$file_name.xlsx.
  2. You tried to use the pd.read_excel() method to read a csv file or the pd.read_csv() method to read an xlsx file.
  3. Your files have mislabeled extensions.

valueerror excel file format cannot be determined

File "/home/borislav/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/io/excel/_base.py", line 1656, in __init__ raise ValueError( ValueError: Excel file format cannot be determined, you must specify an engine manually.

# Your operating system creating temporary lock files

The most common cause of the error is that your operating system creates temporary lock files named ~$your_file_name.xlsx.

If you have the Excel files open in an application, close the application and adjust your code to ignore these files.

import glob import pandas as pd for file in glob.glob('./*.xlsx'): if '~$' in file: continue else: df = pd.read_excel( file, engine='openpyxl' ) print(df)
The code for this article is available on GitHub

The code sample assumes that you have an xlsx file located in the same directory as your Python script, e.g. example.xlsx.

example xlsx file

Here is the output of running the python main.py command.

read xlsx files success

We used the in operator to ignore files that contain ~$ and read the other files with the xlsx extension.

# Make sure you have the openpyxl module installed

In order to read .xlsx files, you have to set the engine to openpyxl, so make sure you have the module installed.

pip install openpyxl pandas pip3 install openpyxl pandas python -m pip install openpyxl pandas python3 -m pip install openpyxl pandas py -m pip install openpyxl pandas # 👇️ For Jupyter Notebook !pip install openpyxl pandas

The openpyxl library is used to read and write Excel 2010 xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm files.

# Using pandas.read_excel vs pandas.read_csv

Another common cause of the error is trying to read a .csv file using the pandas.read_excel method.

You should use the pandas.read_csv method when reading .csv files and the pandas.read_excel method when reading .xlsx and .xls files.

If you try to read a .csv file with the pandas.read_excel() method, the error is raised.

Similarly, if you try to read a .xlsx or .xls file with the pandas.read_csv method, the error is raised.

# Checking for a file's extension before reading it

Here is an example of how to check for a file's extension before reading it.

import pandas as pd file_name = 'example.xlsx' if file_name.endswith('.xlsx'): df = pd.read_excel( file_name, engine='openpyxl' ) print(df) elif file_name.endswith('.xls'): df = pd.read_excel( file_name, engine='xlrd' ) print(df) elif file_name.endswith('.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(file_name) print(df)
The code for this article is available on GitHub

The file in the example has a .xlsx extension, so the openpyxl engine is used.

check file extension before reading

If the file has a .xlsx extension, we use the pandas.read_excel method and set the engine to openpyxl.

If the file has a .xls extension, we use the pandas.read_excel method and set the engine to xlrd.

If the file has a .csv extension, we use the pandas.read_csv method.

# Make sure you have the xlrd module installed

Make sure to install the xlrd module if you don't have it installed.

pip install xlrd pip3 install xlrd python -m pip install xlrd python3 -m pip install xlrd py -m pip install xlrd # 👇️ For Jupyter Notebook !pip install xlrd

The xlrd module is used for reading and formatting data from Excel files in the historical .xls format.

# Mislabeling the file's extension

Another common cause of the error is mislabeling the file's extension.

Make sure you haven't set a .xls extension to a .csv file and vice versa.

# Conclusion

To solve the "ValueError: Excel file format cannot be determined, you must specify an engine manually" error, make sure:

  1. To ignore all temporary files that start with ~$, e.g. ~$file_name.xlsx.
  2. To use the correct pandas method when reading .xlsx and .csv files.
  3. You haven't mislabeled the extension of the file.
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