How to render a boolean value in JSX in React

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 7, 2024
2 min


# Render a boolean value in JSX in React

Use the String() function to render a boolean value in JSX in React.

By default, boolean values don't render anything in React, so we have to convert the value to a string in order to render it.

export default function App() { const bool1 = true; const bool2 = false; return ( <div> <h2>bool1: {String(bool1)}</h2> <hr /> <h2>bool2: {String(bool2)}</h2> <hr /> <h2></h2> </div> ); }

react show boolean value

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We have to convert boolean values to a string in order to show them in our JSX code.

Booleans, null, undefined are ignored. They simply don't render.

The following JSX expressions all render nothing.

<div /> <div></div> <div>{false}</div> <div>{null}</div> <div>{undefined}</div> <div>{true}</div>

# Render a boolean value in JSX using toString()

Alternatively, you can use the toString() method on a boolean to convert it to a string.

export default function App() { const bool1 = true; const bool2 = false; return ( <div> <h2>bool1: {bool1.toString()}</h2> <hr /> <h2>bool2: {bool2.toString()}</h2> <hr /> <h2></h2> </div> ); }

render boolean value in jsx using tostring

The code for this article is available on GitHub

The Boolean.toString method returns the string representation of the boolean.

I've also written a tutorial on how to toggle a boolean state in React.

# Render a boolean value in JSX using a template literal

Another commonly used approach is to convert the boolean to a string by using a template literal.

export default function App() { const bool1 = true; const bool2 = false; return ( <div> <h2>{`bool1: ${bool1}`}</h2> <hr /> <h2>{`bool2: ${bool2}`}</h2> <hr /> <h2></h2> </div> ); }
The code for this article is available on GitHub

We used a template literal to interpolate a boolean variable in a string.

Note that the string is enclosed in backticks ``, not in single quotes.

The dollar sign and curly braces ${} syntax allows us to use placeholders that get evaluated.

By default, the template literal concatenates the parts into a string.

# Render a boolean value in JSX using JSON.stringify

You can also render boolean values in JSX using the JSON.stringify() method.

export default function App() { const bool1 = true; const bool2 = false; return ( <div> <h2>bool1: {JSON.stringify(bool1)}</h2> <hr /> <h2>bool2: {JSON.stringify(bool2)}</h2> <hr /> <h2></h2> </div> ); }

render boolean value in jsx using json stringify

The code for this article is available on GitHub

The JSON.stringify() method converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string.

Whichever approach you pick, you have to convert the boolean value to a string in order to render it in your JSX code.

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