Pass event and parameter onClick in React

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 7, 2024
3 min


# Pass event and parameter onClick in React

To pass an event and parameter onClick in React:

  1. Pass an inline function to the onClick prop of the element.
  2. The function should take the event object and call handleClick.
  3. Pass the event and parameter to handleClick.
const App = () => { const handleClick = (event, param) => { console.log(event); console.log(param); }; return ( <div> <button onClick={event => handleClick(event, '')}> Click </button> </div> ); }; export default App;

react pass event and parameter onclick

The code for this article is available on GitHub

We set the onClick prop on the button element to an inline arrow function.

<button onClick={event => handleClick(event, '')}> Click </button>

The arrow function takes the event object and calls the handleClick function passing it the event and a parameter.

const handleClick = (event, param) => { console.log(event); console.log(param); };
You can use this approach to pass as many parameters to your event handler functions.

Notice that we are passing a function to the onClick prop and not the result of calling one.

<button onClick={event => handleClick(event, '')}> Click </button>

If you invoke the function when passing it to the onClick prop, e.g. onClick={handleClick()}, it would get immediately called when the component mounts.

When a function is passed to the onClick prop, it will only get invoked when the event is triggered.

The event handler function always gets passed the event object as the first parameter.

You can pass other parameters to the function after the event object.

# Using a function that returns a function to pass parameters

You can also define a function that takes one or more parameters and returns a function that takes the event object.

const App = () => { const handleClick = param => event => { console.log(event); console.log(param); }; return ( <div> <button onClick={handleClick('')}> Click </button> </div> ); }; export default App;

react pass event and parameter onclick

The code for this article is available on GitHub

The handleClick function takes a param argument and returns a function that takes an event argument.

The result of calling the handleClick function is another function that takes the event object as a parameter.

<button onClick={handleClick('')}> Click </button>

The onClick prop is still set to a function, so everything works as in the previous code sample.

# Pass event and parameter onClick using data-attributes

You can also set data-* attributes on the element to pass a parameter in an onClick event handler.

const App = () => { const handleClick = event => { console.log(event); const example = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-example'); console.log(example); }; return ( <div> <button data-example="" onClick={handleClick}> Click </button> </div> ); }; export default App;

pass parameter onclick data attributes

The code for this article is available on GitHub

We set the data-example attribute on the button element and accessed it using the getAttribute() method.

<button data-example="" onClick={handleClick}> Click </button>

The attribute can be named anything, e.g. data-bar or data-foo.

We can access the element via the currentTarget property of the event object.

const handleClick = event => { console.log(event); const example = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-example'); console.log(example); // 👉️ };

The currentTarget property on the event gives us access to the element that the event listener is attached to.

Whereas the target property on the event gives us a reference to the element that triggered the event (could be a descendant).

You can set multiple data-* attributes on the element and access them using the getAttribute() method.

The Element.getAttribute method returns the value of the given attribute on the element.

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