(useRef) Cannot assign to 'current' because it is read-only property

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Feb 29, 2024
2 min


# (useRef) Cannot assign to 'current' because it is read-only property

The error "Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a read-only property" occurs when we initialize a ref with a null value and don't include null in its type.

To solve the error, include null in the ref's type, e.g. const ref = useRef<string | null>(null).

react cannot assign to current because read only

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

import {useEffect, useRef} from 'react'; const App = () => { const ref = useRef<string>(null); useEffect(() => { // ⛔️ Error: Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a read-only property.ts(2540) ref.current = 'hello'; }, []); return ( <div> <h2>hello world</h2> </div> ); }; export default App;

The issue is that when we pass null as an initial value to the useRef hook and don't include null in the type we passed to the hook's generic, we create an immutable ref object.

# Include null in the type

To solve the error, we have to include null in the type we are passing to the hook's generic.

import {useEffect, useRef} from 'react'; const App = () => { // 👇️ include null in the ref's type const ref = useRef<string | null>(null); useEffect(() => { ref.current = 'hello'; }, []); return ( <div> <h2>hello world</h2> </div> ); }; export default App;

include null in the type

The code for this article is available on GitHub

We used a union type to include null in the ref's type, which makes it a mutable ref object.

Now the ref's type in the example is string or null and its current property can be assigned a value of either of the two types.

The same would be the case if your ref points to a DOM element.

You'd have to type the hook as const ref = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null) if you need to change the value of the ref's current property.

Note that you wouldn't have to include null in the ref's type if you aren't directly assigning to its current property.

import {useEffect, useRef} from 'react'; const App = () => { const ref = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); useEffect(() => { ref.current?.focus(); }, []); return ( <div> <input ref={ref} type="text" defaultValue="" /> </div> ); }; export default App;
The code for this article is available on GitHub

The ref in the example is used to focus the input element.

There is no assignment to the ref's .current property, so it's not necessary to include null in its type.

If you get the error useRef Object is possibly null, click on the following article.

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