FastAPI Error loading ASGI app. Could not import module 'main'

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Apr 10, 2024
3 min


# FastAPI Error loading ASGI app. Could not import module 'main'

The FastAPI Error loading ASGI app. Could not import module 'main' occurs when your terminal is located in a directory that doesn't contain your FastAPI file or the specified path is incorrect.

To solve the error, specify the path to your FastAPI file or cd into the directory that contains the file.

fastapi error loading asgi app could not import module

# Specifying the path when running the command

If your terminal is not located in the directory that contains your FastAPI application, you have to specify the path.

uvicorn src.main:app --reload --port 8500

specify full path to fastapi app

Assuming your file is contained in an src directory and your terminal is located in the directory that contains the src directory.

my_project <-- you are here |-- src |--
The command above would work if your terminal is located in the my_project directory and your file contains your FastAPI application.

Notice that we use a dot ., not a forward slash when specifying the path to the file that contains the FastAPI application.

uvicorn src.main:app --reload --port 8500

# Change your terminal to the directory that contains

Alternatively, you can cd into the directory that contains your file.

cd src uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8500

cd into app directory

The command above assumes that your terminal is located in the same directory as your file that contains your FastAPI application.

my_project |-- src <-- you are here |--
You only have to specify main:app, assuming your FastAPI application is located in a file called

Make sure you aren't specifying the extension of the file when issuing the uvicorn command.

The components of the command uvicorn main:app --reload are:

  • main - the file
  • app - the object created inside of with the line app = FastAPI().
  • --reload - restart the server after code changes (should only be used in development).

# An example file

The example above assumes that you have a file that looks something like this.
from typing import Union from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") def read_root(): return {"Hello": "World"} @app.get("/items/{item_id}") def read_item(item_id: int, q: Union[str, None] = None): return {"item_id": item_id, "q": q}

# Make sure you have fastapi and uvicorn installed

Ensure you have the prerequisites installed before running the uvicorn command.

pip install fastapi uvicorn # 👇️ or with pip3 pip3 install fastapi uvicorn

# Make sure you have saved the changes in your IDE

Another common cause of the error is forgetting to save your code in your IDE (e.g. Visual Studio Code).

# Don't use a slash between your directory name and the file name

Make sure you aren't using a slash between the directory name and the file that contains your FastAPI application.

# ⛔️ Incorrect (has slash separator) uvicorn src/main:app --reload --port 8500 # ✅ Correct (has dot separator) uvicorn src.main:app --reload --port 8500

The separator between the folder name and the module name should be a period (.).

# Make sure you don't have circular imports

Another common cause of the error is having circular imports between files.

For example, if you have 2 files and

If the two modules import members between each other, you have a circular import.

Instead, you should create a third file named and move the members to it.

Then and can import from instead of importing between each other (which causes a circular import).

If you get the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fastapi', click on the link and follow the instructions.

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