My most commonly used Keyboard Shortcuts [AIP]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Aug 5, 2022
2 min


# My most commonly used Keyboard Shortcuts [AIP]

This is an article for my book All in Programming.

Here are some of my most commonly used keyboard shortcuts:

  1. CTRL + Shift + 0 - View: Move Editor into Next Group
  2. CTRL + Shift + 9 - View: Move Editor into Previous Group

move editor into next previous group

  1. CTRL + Shift + J - Add Cursor Below
  2. CTRL + Shift + K - Add Cursor Above

add cursor below above

  1. Alt + D - Add Selection To Next Find Match

add selection to next find match

  1. Ctrl + F2 - Change All Occurrences

change all occurrences

  1. Alt + W - Close Window

close window

  1. Ctrl + Shift + \ - Collapse Folders in Explorer

collapse folders in explorer

  1. Ctrl + Shift + D - Copy Line Down
  2. Ctrl + Shift + U - Copy Line Up

copy line down up

  1. Ctrl + ' - Expand Selection
  2. Ctrl + ; - Shrink Selection

expand shrink selection

  1. Ctrl + N - File: New file
  2. Ctrl + Shift + N - File: New folder

create new folder file

  1. CTRL + L - focus left window (extension.vim_navigateCtrlL)
  2. CTRL + H - focus right window (extension.vim_ctrl+h)
  3. CTRL + J - Terminal: Focus Terminal
  4. CTRL + K - View: Focus Active Editor Group

focus left right window and terminal

  1. CTRL + S - File: Save
  2. CTRL + Shift + S - Save All

file save and save all

  1. CTRL + Shift + [ - Fold
  2. CTRL + Shift + ] - Unfold


  1. CTRL + Shift + - - Fold All
  2. CTRL + Shift + = - Unfold All

fold unfold all

  1. F12 - Go to Definition

go to definition

  1. Ctrl + P - Go to File

go to file

  1. Ctrl + Shift + Enter - Insert Line Above
  2. Ctrl + Shift + Enter - Insert Line Below

insert line above below

  1. Alt + J - Move Line Down
  2. Alt + K - Move Line Up

move line down up

  1. Ctrl + Shift + F10 - Peek definition

peek definition

  1. Ctrl + . - Quick Fix

quick fix

  1. Ctrl + Space - Trigger Suggest

trigger suggest

  1. F2 - Rename Symbol

rename symbol

  1. Ctrl + Shift + H - Search: Replace in Files

search replace in files

  1. Ctrl + Shift + P - Show all Commands

show all commands

  1. Ctrl + Shift + P - Show Hover

show hover

  1. Ctrl + Shift + E - View: Show Explorer
  2. Ctrl + B - View: Toggle Primary Side Bar Visibility

view toggle primary side visibility

  1. Ctrl + Tab - View: Open Next Editor
  2. Ctrl + Shift + Tab - View: Open Previous Editor

view open next previous editor

  1. Ctrl + Shift + T - View: Reopen Closed Editor

view reopen closed editor

  1. Ctrl + Shift + F - View: Show search

view show search

  1. Alt + 1, Alt + 2, Alt + 3 - Open Editor at index

open editor at index

  1. Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, Ctrl + 3 - Focus Nth Editor Group

focus nth editor group

# Working with tags (Emmet)

  1. Ctrl + 5 - Emmet: Expand Abbreviation

emmet expand abbreviation

  1. Alt + E - Emmet: Go to Matching Pair

emmet go to matching pair

  1. Alt + S - Emmet: Split/Join tag

emmet split join tag

  1. Alt + U - Emmet: Update Tag

emmet update tag

  1. Alt + R - Emmet: Remove Tag

emmet remove tag

I wrote a book in which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer.
book cover
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