TypeError: callback is not a function in JavaScript [Solved]

Borislav Hadzhiev

Last updated: Mar 3, 2024
2 min


# TypeError: callback is not a function in JavaScript

The "TypeError: callback is not a function" error occurs when we define a callback parameter to a function but invoke the function without passing a callback.

To solve the error, specify a function as a default parameter, or always provide a parameter when calling the function.

typeerror callback is not a function

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

function example(callback) { return callback(); } // ⛔️ TypeError: callback is not a function example();
We defined a function that takes a callback as a parameter but didn't provide a callback when calling the function.

# Always provide a callback when calling the function

To solve the error, make sure to always provide a callback when calling the function.

function example(callback) { return callback(); } // ✅ Works example(() => { console.log('success'); });

always provide callback when calling the function

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We passed an arrow function callback when calling the example function, but you can also use a named function.

function example(callback) { return callback(); } function logMessage() { console.log('success'); } // ✅ Works example(logMessage);

# Define a default value for the callback parameter

Alternatively, you can define a default value for the callback parameter. This way you won't get an error even if no parameter is provided when calling the function.

function example(callback = () => {}) { return callback() } // ✅ Works example();

define default value for callback parameter

The code for this article is available on GitHub

We used a function that doesn't do anything as the default value for the callback parameter.

When the function is called without a callback being provided, the default value of an empty function is used.

You can also use any other function as the default parameter depending on your use case.

function example(callback = defaultFunc) { return callback(); } function defaultFunc() { console.log('success'); } // ✅ Works example(); // 👉️ success

# Check if the callback function was provided before calling it

Perhaps, an even better approach is to check if the callback was provided before calling it in the function.

function example(callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { return callback() } } // ✅ Works example();

check if callback function was provided before calling it

The code for this article is available on GitHub

The typeof operator allows us to check if the callback variable stores a function.

We only call the callback if it is provided and has a type of function.

If the error persists, console.log the callback variable and its type, e.g. console.log(typeof callback).

Make sure that the variable stores a function before calling it.

You might be declaring a variable named callback that shadows the value of a function you're trying to invoke.

Make sure you're spelling callback correctly, as variable names are case-sensitive.

# Additional Resources

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